Your Privacy Matters

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Law Firms Provide Exceptional Counsel With Increased Efficiency

Consulting firms change the game by delivering to clients quicker, sharper, and more fact-based privacy guidance.

Boltive Privacy Guard™ deploys lifelike simulated users called Personas that validate client systems and vendors. With Boltive, consultants provide rapid, insightful recommendations, redefining privacy compliance for businesses.

Consultants can build managed services around Boltive software and tee up remediation work to yield longer, more impactful engagements. They bring to their clients the world's first pen test for privacy compliance.

Boltive is trusted around the world by regulators, auditors, professional service firms, and companies with exacting standards. No set up or integration required.

Help Your Clients Comply With Myriad New Data Privacy Laws And Technologies ​

Verify Consent

Validate disclosures and detect if client consent management handles requests properly, including GPC, so they can trust their systems.

Verify Objects

Identify unconsented data collection or sharing by tags, pixels, SDKs, and other trackers. Clients won't be caught off-guard.

Verify Ads

Detect ads that sell or share data with unauthorized parties to ensure clients operate lawfully and optimize spend.

Periodic Health Checks For Clients

Just like security, privacy is a dynamic environment – even when clients are standing still. Their vendors may change their software or policies, impacting the privacy rights of end users without clients' knowledge.

Attorneys using Boltive ensure privacy policies are up to date in each jurisdiction. Regular audits, supplemented with legal advice, keep clients free of hazards.

Boltive diagnostics also help firms grow their business. They rapidly identify which clients are in need of privacy services.

Time-Sensitive Matters Like Litigation And M&A

Law firms engaged in litigation do a superior job assessing clients' own compliance and responding to claims when they use Boltive. Objective audits from Boltive can refute allegations of non-compliance and repel nuisance claims.

Firms advising in M&A situations provide more informed counsel – both buyside and sellside. Buyers avoid taking on unforeseen liability from lax privacy practices of target companies. Sellers avoid violations of representations and warranties, sparing themselves from risk of fraud claims.

Business Launches Like Geographies, Technologies, Partnerships

Boltive uniquely identifies and remediates data sharing and retargeting risk, delivering you with the key insights you need to keep your consumer data and your reputation safe. Verify that your consent management system is handling opt-out and opt-in requests properly and ensures those signals are being honored by your adtech partners. You can also recover lost CMPs by identifying lost opt-in signals.

Boltive is your secret shopper designed to surface privacy violations. We simulate your consumer’s journeys on the web to audit data sharing at critical checkpoints.

Maximize Compliance And Efficiency – See How Boltive Elevates Your Privacy Services